Vital  Dental Group

Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain Crowns

A Dental Crown is a cap that is the shape of a tooth which is placed over the tooth to encircle and restore its a shape and size. At Myinterdent Dr. Francisco Vital’s specialty is in the art of restoration.This enables you to decide best treatment plan by Dr.Vital’s assistance and proficiency in this field.

There are many benefits in choosing dental treatment in Tijuana. Most important it is affordable, cosmetic dentistry that is far more inexpensive than in any clinic in the United States. Also, we offer transportation services at no cost and guarantee a safe and beneficial experience.

Porcelain Crowns

What is a Crown Needed

  • Protect breakage of tooth.
  • Restore fractured teeth.
  • Cover and support a tooth with large filling.
  • Hold a dental bridge.
  • Cover misshapen or severely discolored teethProtect breakage of tooth.
  • Cover a dental implant.
  • Construct a cosmetic restoration.
Porcelain Crowns

Are Crowns Right for me?

Crowns offer an esthetic solution when little tooth structure remains following a fracture. Crowns may be the best option if you: Have lost too much structure to allow contouring or bonding. Are you willing to spend more time and money on the procedures? Want an esthetic solution that allows change in tooth shade and shape?

The most common types of dental crowns are:

  • MP., Metals., Porcelain Fused to Metal, Ceramic and Porcelain.

We recommended ceramic or porcelain crowns for treatments of crowns. Have you spent years feeling uncomfortable about your smile? Do you hide behind your hand when you laugh? Celebrate the reasons in your life with a beautiful smile. Let Dr. Vital your dentist in Tijuana, Mexico create a smile that will have you smiling for a lifetime. Porcelain Crowns restore damaged teeth to health, strength and a natural. Over time, your smile can undergo many changes: decay, discoloration, even tooth loss. Today, there’s no reason to have a smile that causes discomfort or embarrassment, ages your appearance, or is detrimental to your health. Call us today to make your appointment.

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